AudioWizards Interim Report Design process • Met with the project owners (POs) and learned about their requirements • Learned about the existing game and the audio game genre • The whole team brainstormed ideas for the multiplayer version of AudioWizards • Explained the first ideas to the POs and got some feedback • We got resources to further refine the idea for example forum links • We have decided which idea we are going to refine Idea Our idea for multiplayer game is a first-person survival game, where multiple players battle each other in a maze-like map using different kind of spells like earth, fire, water and lightning. Each player decides before a round starts which character/class they want to play. Each class has different perks and characteristics like sounds and appearances. Goal of the game is to be the last man standing or getting most kills in given time. Game mechanics are built so that all players can enjoy the game including visually...
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2019.